Enemy of the Day 1

10 More days until Virulent Vessels' release... Until then, let's take a look at a different enemy every day, so you're somewhat prepared by the time the game releases. I will only go over the enemies that appear in the demo, which you can download now for free.

Our first foe is...

The Spectre! The Spectre is the first enemy you find in Gobbledygunk's game, so they should be simple to defeat. The Spectre can only move in four directions. Up, down, left, and right. After waiting for a turn, they will move closer to the player. If you are in their way after they prepare a movement, they will bump into and deal damage. Since they only move every other turn, paired with the fact they can only move in four directions, they aren't very deadly. Besides, they stop appearing after Wave 6 of Endless, so you won't have to deal with them past then.

In lore, Spectres are the default form taken by those in the Land of the Dead, representing their lack of defining characteristics, achievements, or any kind of deep regret. So, there are many Spectres roaming the underworld, while other foes represent specific individuals.

That's all for today's enemy showcase! Tune in tomorrow for another!


49 days ago

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